Mar 2, 2011

trip to langkawee part 1 *_*

helo again...

what a sunny sweet day...

so..harini..nak update pasal gi jejalan kat langkawee haritu..

so...haritu gi pade tarikh 18-20 february..

actually..i really miss langkawee pon..sebab i have been study there for two years..n now dah 4 tahun xjejak kaki kat mcm bile kat sane..tringt la kenangan dulu2..zaman sekolah=)=)...

trip gi langkawee ni actually AMWAY trip..from DDG(DREAM DIOMAND GROUP)..a.k.a my parents's group...

kitorang ikut jele..hehe...

well..bertolah dari taiping ke kuala perlis...pade pukul 7 pagi..pastu adelah pitstop2 dekat parit buntar..penang..n bagan serai..sebab amik peserta2 rombongan nih=)

ITS QIUTE far...tapi enjoylah jugak..sebab dalam bus yang sgt selesa n ade tv..pasang pulak cite sal antu kak bolehlah..=)

sampai2 dekat jeti kuala perlis..kene tunggu kejap..sebab feri yang kitorg nek pukul 12.30 tghri...

so bile feri sampai...naek lah feri..hehe..teringt zmn dulu2 nek feri nak gi skolah..n balik skola time cuti ..dok usung beg penuh ngn buku..bukan dgn baju pon..hihi..

then after one hour..sampailah dkt pulau langkawee...
langkawee dah ade macm2..hehe..i'm havin big apple!!

n as i expected...mmg langkawee xpernh berubh..panas beb!!!..hehe..sabo jele..itam sudeyh..hehe

so..according to the tour guide,pak lah...harini free n im planning to visit my lovely beautiful school...
mrsm langkawi terchenta=)

so..aftyer calling2 my lil pet sis there...petang tu lepas rehat2 dkt SINARAN la tmpt yg dirindui nih...

spnjg perjlnn ke sane...hati nih berdebr2 sgt...hehe..mungkin sebb dah dkt 5 thun kan..nervous lol..

n sesampai dkt sane...i waited patiently my lil sis dkt foyer tuh...huhu

byk betul dak mrsm lalu lalang..yg kua outing ..yg joging...yg kecik2 muke mmglah xmatured( form 1)..sampailah muke dak2 senior..(form 5)..hehe..
.basically..bangunan mrsm tu dahjadi chantek sgt...sebb dah cat len...dulu pink2 ..sekrg merun2..hehe

then..muncullah adek yg dirindui..hehe..omg..asal hitam nih??? first question kat ecah..
n she said..sukan baru habis la sweet...n i also meet wani n nani( another adek2)

sweet dpt jumpe diorg..rindu tu terubatla..sgt2 happy!!...makin chantek budak2 nih...(in my heart)

dulu2 ..time tu..diorg sume form 1.,..kecik lagi..muke xmatured ok..n now...diorg dh form 5..dah nak habis skolah dah kat mrsm tu...

how i miss those memories=)

btw..byk gile pot pet2 ngn diorg...tntg kengn dulu..tntg juniors..tntg activities..tntg cikgu2..n mostly cikgu sume yg ngajo dulu dah xde..tinggllah cikit2 je..macm madam kb,pak said,cikgu faizl,..n beberp agi..n mostly juge dh nek pangkat n kahwin=)..sweet sgt...

n with new pengetue ustaz...i think mrsm bleh jadi lebh baik walaupun dah x bitara....insyaalllh..

miss this too

sekolahku syurgaku

miss u guys.. them!!

around n my along bergerk balik ke motel...huhu..sedeh kot...ntah bile dpt jenguk mrsm gi..ntah bile dapat jumpe adek2 nih lagi... happy...^_^...

balik tuh..we had our dinner dkt kadai makan nearby..then balik bilik rehat kejap...
my room!!..
not bad=)

view from bilik..

n malam tuh..everyone dlm trip nih..join plak pertndgn bowling dkt jeti much fun...dptlah jugak strike n spare..hehe...(not bad after a long time)..
ampang bowling at langkawi



n dpt hadiah..i got second place.ok..hehe..partner with my maklong yg besh=)...of course..the champion is uncle major yang hebt!!..=)..

fuhh..tired jugak..sebb men 3 game an...yet malam tu a happy ending=)...

the next day..akan bersambung part 2..=)till then ..
tata..(penat menaip nih)=p


Anonymous said...

tak tahu pulak nabila mrsm langkawi dulu...
tapi knape smpai 5tahun xjejak kaki sne? hehe

nabila azmi said...

hehe...kan dah dkt 5 years since last spm dear=)jauh kot langkawee tuh=p...

Krispi taupok shell ❤️

Assalamualaikum Today I made this. Senang buatnye Pki air fryer 5 Minit cmtu Healthy pun healthy hihi Sedappp.. Hihi.. Good for...